One of the most powerful ways you can (and should) use your brand is to position it as an informational marketing resource for your customers. Think about it: every one of us accumulates a significant amount of information/trivia in our given field simply because we work in that field.

Remember when you were relatively new to your field, and every time you learned something new about how your business worked, the pieces clicked together with “ah ha” moment after “ah ha” moment? Now, imagine you have the opportunity to share that knowledge with someone who doesn’t have the burden of absorbing the information as quickly as possible for the purpose of assimilating it and being able to recall it at a moment’s notice to answer a customer’s question. Just an interested customer or potential customer who may have need of the information someday. Or someone who can implement the information shared immediately to improve their life in some tangible way.

Informational Marketing: Position Your Brand as a Knowledge HubTake that information and proactively SHARE it with your customers and potential customers through free classes, white papers, and blog articles. Share them in Facebook posts and especially in Twitter! Last month, Deirdre Breakenridge wrote a great post on How to Engage on Facebook and Twitter and gave some brilliant and tangible ideas on how to use Facebook and Twitter to share information. It’s a lot like the old Coke commercial… “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony….” Your brand needs to want to teach the world what your business knows and keep it company. Just like the song – your sharing of information will spread and create an inspiring movement.

Sharing information about your business, about your field, and by others in your industry puts your brand in control. You get to be the benevolent expert, the go-to brand that is always in the know and as a result, the first company someone thinks of when they need help in your field — is you!

You’ve become a trusted advisor to all your customers and your potential customers. Being a trusted advisor gives you instant credibility, enhanced exposure, referrals, and most importantly business…all for “price” of giving information away freely. Position your brand as an informational resource and then get ready to reap the benefits that come from owning that position, and with all the new-found business rolling through the door, buy the world that Coke.

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About the Author:

Tisha Oehmen

Tisha Oehmen is a professional brand strategist and a leader in the branding field. She has been named a member of the Global Guru’s Top 30 Brand Gurus. She is also the co-founder of Oregon-based Paradux Media Group and the best-selling author of the book, Finding Brand: The Brand Book Tutorial.

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Quacktastic Reviews:


  1. Don F Perkins on January 7, 2011 at 10:41 am

    Hi Tisha

    How old am I that I remember that Coke commercial playing on TV? Don’t go there..

    I like what you said about: “Your brand needs to want to teach the world what your business knows and keep it company” This is the essence of the trusted partner relationship in business.

    To whit: I remember the first time I saw this concept in action. Cisco Systems, provider of computer network solutions in San Jose, CA was 6 years old when they hit the Nasdaq in 1990. During the 80’s and 90’s when computing went from main frames to enterprise networking of PCs, Cisco was new kid on the block compared to IBM, DEC and others who had dominated the computing industry.

    Then they did something amazing that helped them change the game: rather than keep everything proprietary like their competitors, they put all their documentation; manuals, how to guides, etc online. They created forums for users to share the things that were changing so fast they weren’t in the docs. They made it easy for businesses to network their PCs. They shared knowledge and built a very successful worldwide networking company that is known for it’s expertise.

    Love your blog. Thanks for a great write up on becoming the trusted advisor. Well done!

    Don F Perkins

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