Co-Author-Evolutionaries: Transformational Leadership: The Missing Link in Your Organizational Chart


Carmen Voillequé is a senior consultant and partner with Strategic Arts and Sciences and the CEO of Best Practice Media. Her background features deep experience in education, curriculum development, and management training. Voillequé works with a wide range of client groups including government agencies, financial institutions, and health care companies. Last year Voillequé completed a scope of work that allowed all of the public and private agencies who serve the needs of children in Oregon to plan and work together to maximize resources. She is also a sought after speaker and strategic planner with a reputation for tackling tough issues.

The Green Dragon of Twitter

For three years I carried a MacBook Air for business and travel.  I loved it, the only issue was that I needed to run Microsoft Office software for my work with several clients.  I was thrilled when I got the...
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