We are excited to announce the hiring of Dixie Nunez as Project & Office Manager.  To say that Paradux is a high-speed, low-drag organization might actually be an understatement. Dixie’s prior experience in running a medical office enables her to have the skills necessary to help organize the controlled chaos that takes place most days at Paradux Media Group.

Dixie will oversee the day to day activities of the office and the schedules of the Paradux Media employees, but will also have an eye on the life of each project and where it is relevant to the timelines and deadlines.

Having the right personality is just as important as the right skills and Dixie brings that great personality and attitude every day to work.  She is a great fit.  The talented fun staff at Paradux allows for lots of room for growth and we couldn’t be happier to look toward the future.

About the Author:

Paradux Media Group

We are Paradux Media Group, and we are not your regular ad agency. We are a unique combination of strategists, planners, designers, and writers. We are the people you call to launch a brand. To create a promotion. Or to put you on the first page of Google. Specializing in advertising, branding, website design, and social media management, Paradux Media Group gives you the integrated resources you need in today’s changing business environment.

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