Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

What’s Wrong with SMART goals?

As we near the end of the year, most people are starting to think about setting goals.  Whether for themselves personally or their teams professionally, goals seem to be the way to begin a new cycle productively.  One of the biggest buzzwords out there is a SMART goal, but are they really as smart as…

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Corporate Email Communication that Works

Are you frustrated when you find employees confused or not on the same page about an issue that you know you’ve communicated to them via a company email?  Perhaps a message you’ve sent several times?  One of your primary jobs as a business owner or manager is to lead your teams, and leadership requires excellent…

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Can Corporate Training Be More Effective With Less Hands-On Support?

Examine modern corporate training programs, and you’re likely to uncover heavy procedure manuals, hands-on and e-training, regular supervisor feedback, and even testing.  Are all these necessary for employees to learn how to do their jobs effectively? In 1970, tennis professional W. Timothy Galloway demonstrated a new theory about adult learning, which proposes humans are intrinsically…

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