Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

Understanding the Customer Journey

In the dynamic landscape of modern commerce, understanding the intricacies of customer behavior is paramount to the success of any business. The customer journey is a concept that has become the compass for companies seeking to create meaningful interactions with their audience. Understanding the customer journey and exploring how you can apply this to your…

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How to Convert Website Visitors to Customers

In 2023, 20.8% of sales were anticipated to happen online. By 2026, that percentage is expected to reach 24%. A great website allows your business to reach customers across the country or around the world. But how do you take your website from being your online presence to being a profit center with online sales?…

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2023 Holiday Retail Sales Forecast and Tips

Halloween may have just been minutes ago, but for retail companies, it’s already time to bring in those critical holiday sales. Despite being in an inflationary economy, forecasts for holiday sales in 2023 are looking bright and merry. According to Deloitte’s 2023 holiday survey, customers plan to make the most of their gift-giving opportunities. Survey…

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The Fascinating Dynamics of Strategic Product Placement

In the fiercely competitive world of retail, capturing consumers’ attention and enticing them to make purchases is a constant challenge. One powerful tool store owners have at their disposal is strategic product placement. By carefully positioning products and leveraging price promotions, you can create a domino effect that influences consumer behavior and drives sales. The…

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Why Focusing on Benefits Trumps Features in Your Marketing Strategy

In a world saturated with countless products and services, making your business stand out is crucial. At Paradux Media, we know focusing on benefits instead of features is the key to captivating your target audience. By highlighting the benefits of your products or services, you will create a deep connection with your customers, addressing their…

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Personalization Can Be the Key to Your Success

Differentiating yourself from the competition means doing something better than they can. It helps you to stand out with customers and potential clients, resulting in more foot traffic and increased sales. One way businesses succeed in outpacing the competition is through personalization. Personalization as a marketing concept refers to tailoring marketing messages, products, services, and…

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How to Write an Effective Radio Ad

Radio advertising can be an incredibly effective way to promote your product or service. However, with so many businesses competing for listeners’ attention, it can be challenging to create an advertisement that stands out. Here are a few of our tips on how to write an effective radio ad that will grab listeners’ attention and…

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Marketing During a Recession

Early in October 2022, Jamie Dimon, Chief Executive of Morgan Chase, warned the United States is headed to a recession.  Because of the intense rates of inflation, the war in Ukraine, and the sharp increase in interest rates, Dimon feels a recession is inevitable by the middle of 2023.  Our last significant economic downturn of…

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Does Product Placement Work?

You don’t have to dig deep into many of the most popular movies of our day to see brand-name products, signage, and logos flash onto the screen.  A fun exercise is to watch any movie’s high-action scenes–car chases or your favorite web-slinger racing through city streets–and count how many well-known brand names you can spot…

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Do You Know How You Stack up to the Competition?

Philip Kotler described the importance of understanding the competition with his quote:  “Competitive advantage is a company’s ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match.”  To outperform your competition, you need to understand them.  If you haven’t performed a competitive analysis recently, now is the perfect time to…

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The Name of the Game for 2021 Business Success is E-Commerce

Are you optimizing e-commerce sales in your business?  In the first quarter of 2020, the percentage of total households in the U.S. that purchased at least one product online in the last 12 months leaped from 15% to nearly 35%.  That 20% spread gained in only three months represents the total amount of growth during…

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Why Marketing Does Not Go as Planned

Sometimes the best-laid plans do not go as well as we would like them to go. This goes for any plan we put together, whether it be personal or professional. Sometimes we need to take a step back to determine where we went wrong in our process of development. Maybe we left out a key ingredient…

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