Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

Brand Development Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

I’m continually amazed at how often we in the marketing profession, and those in business, assume that brand development has to be expensive! This misnomer is honestly come by, though, because in good times, it’s easy to spend a lot of money on updating your brand image. But having cash ready to spend isn’t a prerequisite to…

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Brand Identity: Branding by Walking Around

Branding by Walking Around is your opportunity to create the landscape your brand will come to life on. It’s the very foundation of your brand position.

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What does your brand position say?

Let’s start with the basics, what is a brand position? Your brand is the space your business occupies in the business world. It can be friendly, open, full of hope and aspiration. It can also be sloppy, uncoordinated, and unimpressive — and everything in between. The trick is choosing your brand position intentionally and not…

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