Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

How to Improve Your Google AdWords ROI

There are hundreds of online platforms and websites where you can promote your business, but they often pale in comparison to AdWords. Released in October 2000, AdWords is Google’s long-running pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform. Using it, you can display custom ads in Google’s search results, Gmail, and other properties when someone searches for one of…

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Is Television Advertising Dead?

With so many advertising channels available in today’s world, marketers may find themselves confused about where traditional channels such as television stand. There are some who claim that television advertising is on the way out and will eventually be replaced with all digital modes, but we argue that this cannot be further from the truth.…

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Branding, Marketing, and Positioning: Understanding the Differences

Branding was the top objective of 42 percent of digital ad spending in 2015, according to eMarketer. This reflected an increase from 40.9 percent the previous year, showing the increasing emphasis marketing agencies are putting on branding. So what is branding? What role does it play in marketing, and how does it relate to positioning?…

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