Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

Considerations for Choosing a Marketing Firm

I’m honored to be the guest blogger today over at the rno1 blog. Head on over to their blog to learn what six questions you should be asking any marketing or advertising agency you’re considering hiring. Knowing the answer to these questions will help you make sure you’re hiring the right firm for your business.
We’re working on having the folks at rno1 guest post here as well – so stay tuned!

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Top of Mind Branding

Branding is a long process. It’s not easy, it costs money, and it doesn’t create immediate traffic. Trust me, many times along this journey to a great brand, you’ll have to remind yourself why you’re embarking on this endeavor at all. So when those moments hit, just re-read this to remember why a great brand is critical to your success.

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