Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

Why You Should Share Your Testimonials

Are you looking for ways to boost your business’s success? One simple yet powerful method is sharing customer testimonials. In today’s digital age, customer feedback can make or break a business. People trust other people’s opinions more than they trust a company’s advertising. That’s why sharing customer testimonials can be a game-changer for your business.…

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Why Understanding Your Audience for Successful Marketing

As a business owner or leader, you know that advertising is a crucial component of your overall marketing strategy. But in order to create an effective advertising campaign, your work must begin by understanding your audience. Knowing who your customers are, what they need, and how they make buying decisions can help you tailor your…

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How People Search the Internet

Understanding how people search on the internet will help you and your marketing agency create a website that your current and prospective customers find easily. While most searches will be a combination of those described here, understanding how people search for your business or the products or services you sell will give you the information…

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Telling Your Story with Video

Have you ever watched a YouTube video to figure out how to use a product or learn how a service works?  If so, you’re not alone.  It turns out that nearly 96% of people have done the same thing.  People love watching videos and, on average, view about sixteen hours of videos online each week. …

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Why it Makes Sense for You to be a Thought Leader in Your Industry

Thought leadership may be one of the newest popular buzzwords in business strategy.  It’s somewhere up there with “lean manufacturing” and “influencer.”  What is thought leadership, and is it really that important for business owners? Thought leaders are the go-to people in their field.  For example, if you’re looking for ways to better lead and…

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The Power of Collaboration

Collaboration is perhaps one of the most unused strategies for achieving success, likely due to our upbringing.  In elementary school, we’re taught to work independently, not to cheat by asking someone else for the answer, and every student is tested independently.  Later in life, “group projects” surface, yet those are often an abysmal failure, with…

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Convert Your Website into an Online Experience in 2022

Why does your business have a website?  The answers from business owners vary greatly: “So customers can find us.” “To provide basic information like location and hours of operation.” “Because every business needs a website.” “To help customers learn about our products and services.” Regardless of why your company first published its website, the reasons…

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