Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

Does Influencer Marketing Work?

Influencer marketing seems to be all the rage in the world of advertising right now.  In 2022, the influencer marketing industry reached $16.4 billion.  The concept isn’t new.  You likely have memories of watching television commercials featuring celebrities to entice you to purchase cosmetics, jeans, soft drinks, cars, and more.  Influencer marketing takes that concept…

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Social Media Etiquette Unspoken Rules

Many businesses use social media as a fun way to connect and interact with their customers.  In general, social media is more informal than other types of advertising, yet there are guidelines you can use to make it more effective.  We refer to these as the unspoken rules of social media etiquette. First, here are…

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