It’s that uncomfortable time of year when we take stock of our lives and make resolutions for the things in our lives that we want to change. The same should be true for our Marketing Plans. If you’ve been following along, you’ve probably written your 2011 Marketing Plan in October and November. But this is an ideal week to read through it again, make sure that it is still relevant and on point to accomplish your goals in 2011. Things change, sometimes dramatically in the space of just a few weeks or months. If it needs tweaking, this is an ideal time to do it, before you get into the execution phase.

If you didn’t spend some time this fall drafting your 2011 Marketing Plan, this week would be an ideal time, it’s usually a slow week and ideal for strategic plans. Take stock of the state of your marketing health. Ask yourself, what are the big goals we should accomplish in 2011 and how can Marketing help to achieve those. Once you have an idea of what you want to accomplish with Marketing in 2011, it’s time to start breaking those goals down into bite-sized chunks that you can accomplish.

This is exactly the same thing you would do if your personal resolution for 2011 was to get healthy and run a 5K. You would break that goal into easier to accomplish pieces – insert more movement into your life. You might even have a regimented plan to help you accomplish the goal, follow the Couch to 5K program and work up to an easy 5K in 10 weeks. Then you only have to focus on the prescribed interval training every other day and you would reach your goal. It’s accomplishable.

The same thing is true for Marketing – setting clearly defined goals, and incremental movement toward those goals will help you to accomplish your marketing plans for 2011. So take some time this week and identify what you want your Marketing Resolutions to be for 2011 and then set attainable goals to help you accomplish them. When you look back on 2011 at this time next year, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much you were able to accomplish.

About the Author:

Tisha Oehmen

Tisha Oehmen is a professional brand strategist and a leader in the branding field. She has been named a member of the Global Guru’s Top 30 Brand Gurus. She is also the co-founder of Oregon-based Paradux Media Group and the best-selling author of the book, Finding Brand: The Brand Book Tutorial.

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Quacktastic Reviews:


  1. Paul Flanigan on December 29, 2010 at 4:53 am

    I think “resolution” too often means “I promise to,” when it really means “I have decided to…”

    For me? Be more engaging with comments on others blogs. I find the best conversations after the article.

    • Tisha on December 29, 2010 at 6:25 am

      I agree Paul, I often read through the blog post quickly looking to get to the meaty discussion at the end. I like your “resolution” and my have to adopt it myself. 🙂 — Happy New Year!

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