Social media is a great way to extend your brand and communicate with customers, but discovering how to use it effectively can be unclear. You’ve undoubtedly seen hashtags (words preceded by the pound sign) used at the end of posts. Have you wondered why they are there or what they do? Whether you’re looking to grow your brand or a business aiming to connect with a broader audience, understanding their purpose and how to use hashtags effectively can significantly impact your social media strategy.

The Purpose of Hashtags

Hashtags serve as metadata on social media platforms, categorizing content and making it discoverable to a broader audience beyond your immediate followers. Here’s a breakdown of the primary purposes they serve:

  1. Categorization: Hashtags group content around specific themes, topics, or events. When users search for or click on a hashtag, they see a stream of content related to that topic, allowing for easy exploration of relevant content.
  2. Discovery: One of their most powerful aspects is their ability to make content discoverable to users who aren’t following your account. Using trending or niche hashtags, you can reach users interested in the topics you’re posting about, potentially attracting new followers.
  3. Engagement: They can boost engagement by connecting your posts to ongoing conversations or popular trends. Content that resonates with users in these conversations is more likely to be liked, shared, or commented on, amplifying its reach.
  4. Branding: Custom hashtags are a powerful branding tool. By creating a unique hashtag, businesses can encourage user-generated content, track campaign performance, and build a sense of community around their brand.
  5. Context: Sometimes, they add context to a post, clarifying its purpose or intent. For example, using #ThrowbackThursday or #TBT indicates that a post is part of a nostalgic reflection on the past.

Increasing Your Company’s Exposure on Social Media

Adding a hashtag to your social media post, like #SouthernOregonCoast, categorizes your content within a broader conversation or topic stream. This stream is a collection of posts from various users who have all used the same hashtag, making it easier for others interested in that topic to find and engage with related content. (Try adding #SouthernOregonCoast to your search bar on Facebook or Instagram.)

For a business in Gold Beach, Oregon, using #SouthernOregonCoast can significantly boost your post’s visibility. When potential customers or tourists search for this hashtag to explore destinations, activities, or businesses in that area, your post will appear alongside others in the stream. This increases the chances that someone interested in visiting the Southern Oregon Coast will discover your business.

Moreover, being in a hashtag stream connects you with a targeted audience already interested in what your business offers. For example, travelers researching their next vacation spot might see your post about a scenic tour or cozy beachfront lodging, leading them to engage with your content, follow your account, or even book a visit. This targeted exposure can drive traffic to your business, increasing brand awareness and potential sales.


Using your company’s name or tagline, such as #ParaduxMedia or #OnThePond, creates a stream of posts that have that same hashtag attached to them. This stream will collect all content that includes your branded hashtag, whether it’s posts you’ve made or public posts from customers, fans, or collaborators.

This branded hashtag stream serves multiple purposes. First, it centralizes all related content, making it easy for anyone interested in your business to find posts about it in one place. Potential customers can explore this stream to see a wide range of content, from official promotions to user-generated photos, reviews, and experiences.

Additionally, encouraging your audience to use your branded hashtag in their posts enhances your business’s visibility and credibility. For example, when satisfied clients share their experiences and tag them with #ParaduxMedia, their posts join our stream, effectively becoming part of our brand’s narrative. This organic content is particularly powerful because it serves as social proof, showcasing real experiences from real people.

By consistently using your company’s name or tagline as a hashtag, you build a growing collection of content that reflects your brand, increases engagement, and strengthens your online presence. This makes it easier for potential customers to discover and connect with your business.

How to Use Hashtags Most Effectively

While they are simple to use, their effectiveness depends on how they are employed. Here are 8 easy tips about how to use hashtags to broaden your company’s exposure online.

  1. Research and Relevance: Not all hashtags are created equal. Before using one, research its popularity and relevance to your content. You can also see what your competition is using and then look at those streams to see if they are the ones in which you want your posts to be included.
  2. Balance Between Popular and Niche Hashtags: Popular hashtags can expose your content to a large audience but come with intense competition, meaning your post could quickly get lost in the sea of content. On the other hand, niche hashtags may have fewer posts but can attract a highly targeted audience. A balanced mix of both can optimize your post’s reach and engagement. For example, #FinallyFriday may help to communicate emotion in your message but will do little to increase the reach of your post.
  3. Use Branded Hashtags Wisely: Creating a custom hashtag is a great way to foster community and track engagement if you’re promoting a brand. However, keeping it short, memorable, and unique is essential. Encouraging your followers to use your branded hashtag in their posts can further amplify its reach.
  4. Limit Usage: While it might be tempting to use as many hashtags as possible, overloading your post can come off as spammy and dilute your message. Most social media platforms have different optimal numbers. For example, Instagram allows up to 30 per post, but studies suggest that 5-10 well-chosen hashtags are ideal for maximizing engagement. Experts recommend limiting the number to three or fewer for Facebook and LinkedIn.
  5. Monitor and Adapt: The effectiveness of hashtags can vary over time. Regularly monitor their performance, pay attention to which drives the most engagement, and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  6. Use Hashtags for Campaigns and Events: If you’re running a social media campaign or hosting an event, creating a dedicated hashtag can help centralize the conversation and make it easier for participants to connect and share their experiences. Ensure that it is promoted across all relevant channels to maximize participation.
  7. Avoid Banned or Misused Hashtags: Some phrases are banned or shadowbanned on platforms like Instagram due to their association with inappropriate content. Using these can result in your content being hidden or your account facing penalties.
  8. Encourage Your Fans to Use Your Hashtag. Being tagged on one of your customer’s posts is a valuable testimonial on social media streams. Encourage your customers to post publicly using your product or enjoying your service with a designated hashtag. Remember, if the post isn’t set to public, it will only be viewable by the customer’s friends.

Let Paradux Media Manage Your Social Media

If you understand the importance of promoting your business on social media but don’t have the time or resources to do it well, our team can do it for you. We have the experience to build and implement social media campaigns and generate regular organic posts that complement your marketing plans and support your business needs. Contact us today for more information about our social media management services. It’s just another great reason to join our flock!

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About the Author:

Angela Peacor

Angela Peacor is the master of words for the Paradux Media team, providing unique content for digital and traditional marketing projects. She combines real-world experience with research to create engaging content for our clients and their customers. Her work includes writing material for various industries, from petroleum distribution to cosmetics, green energy, agriculture, alternative health supplements, construction, towing, and even a local butcher. You name it, Angela can write about it.

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