Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

What is a Brand Narrative?

I often get asked,  “What is a Brand Narrative”? And the answer is simply your brand story. It’s both the history of and the future focus for your business. All tied up in one tight strategy. What is a brand narrative doing for my business? Simply put, your brand narrative provides context to your team, continuity…

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The Scarecrow – Chipotle’s Brilliant Branding Commercial

I talk a lot about telling your story and letting your audience both get to know you, and to affiliate with your business, based on their resonance with that story. But rarely do we get to see the story so clearly and compelling told as Chipotle just did with their The Scarecrow video! If you haven’t seen…

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150th Finding Brand Post and a Big Announcement!

Can you believe it? This is the 150th post of the Finding Brand blog! What a ride it’s been. When I started the Finding Brand Blog, it was with the intention of demystifying marketing and branding. I think this blog has been successful in that endeavor. And throughout the years, you’ve shared with me what…

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How To Track Direct Mail Results

What’s a “good” direct mail response? The one that reaches your stated objectives. As Steve Cuno writes at Deliver magazine, “I have seen companies launch costly campaigns without regard for such details, only to flounder about in an attempt to measure success afterward. That’s like throwing a dart nowhere in particular and then trying to…

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The Power of the Brand Narrative in the Brand Book

A brand narrative has considerable power as a brand-building strategy for aligning stakeholders and creating consistent messaging. In my experience, a good brand narrative is the superior force multiplier – and storytelling branding is profoundly influential. This is because people naturally want to be part of something bigger, they want to matter, and they want…

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Being Part of It Matters

Ever notice how there’s something special that happens during a live show, something that simply can’t be bottled and captured? How you just “had to be there”? That’s because, as humans, we want to be part of something special, part of a story, a narrative. And being at a live show represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…

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Why You Need a Brand Narrative

For thousands of years, humans have utilized stories provide context, meaning, and raison d’être in our lives. Our world is constructed of personal, community, institutional, and political narratives. Think for a moment, about the power narrative has played in your life today. Chances are pretty high that upon arriving at work this morning, you met…

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Choosing Products for Your Target Audience

Last week, I asked you, “How Effective is Your Marketing Plan?” The second question on the Effectiveness Quiz was: Did your plan address which products fill a need for your target demographic and why? (Choosing to target someone is all well and good, but if you can’t identify what product would fill a need in their…

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