There are many reasons that Twitter chats are gaining popularity. They can be used quite successfully for branding yourself or business as well as promoting products. I have had many people asking for  a calendar of Twitter chats so, I am providing you with a list of the Top 10 Twitter Chats for Social Media that I feel are worthy of your time.

  1. #leadershipchat–  Fast moving chat that focuses on leadership tips, best practices and more on Tuesdays at 8 pm EST.
  2. #usguyschat–  Follow this chat on Thursdays at 1 pm EST. They cover a wide range of topics such as social media, marketing, and technology.
  3. #blogchat–  Created and moderated by Mack Collier on Sundays at 8 pm EST. Learn how to effectively promote and grow your blog.
  4. #linkedinchat– Learn the latest tips to help you network on Linkedin and grow your business on Tuesdays at 8 pm EST.
  5. #Smmanners–  Dabney Porte is the hostess and creator of this very popular weekly chat. You can join her every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST.
  6. #socialchat– Every Monday 9 pm EST.  Learn tools to help your succeed in Social Media.
  7. #brandchat– Wednesdays at 11 am EST, they talk about how to brand your products with social media.
  8. #pr20chat–  This chat is for pr professionals, social media managers and those wanting to learn new ways to work in the business or help grow their brand every Tuesday at 8 pm EST.
  9. #eavchat– Thursdays at 7 pm EST is Empire Avenue Chat. They approach a variety of topics including social media.
  10. #mmchat–  Learn how to market through social media as well as other channels every Monday at 8 pm EST.
About the Author:

Dede Watson

We would like to introduce to you the queen of Twitter: Dede Watson.  Dede runs several very successful social media sites including being Creator, Editor- in- Chief of Diva Café

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