Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

Articulate the Brand Personality for the Brand Book

Now that we’ve created our list of keywords and established the relationship between them, it’s time for our next step in how to make a Brand Book and develop our brand personality. Articulating your Brand Personality is an integral component of building a Brand Book. Brand Personality starts to breathe life into the brand, making…

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Identify Your Brand Essence

Once you’ve identified your brand and brand book keywords, it’s essential to test them and demonstrate their relationship to your brand position to create your brand essence. From our last post, you’ll recall that we settled on the following keywords: imagination, friend, joy, clean, charity, children, Dream, chubby, Bathtime, and squeeze. To explore the relationship…

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What Does Google+ Mean To The Local Business Owner

So you are a business owner, maybe a small brick and mortar store.  Over the past year or so, you developed a business page on Facebook.  You’ve invested  time in posting and replying to posts, worked hard to built ‘Likes’ and done what’s necessary to develop a relationship and engage with your community on your…

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Putting and Advertising Both Can Drive You Nuts.

There are many life comparisons that can be drawn to golf, advertising is one.  I am happy with most of my golf game; my ball striking has never been better, lessons from our pro certainly helped with that.  Last year I began to lose confidence with my putter.  It began last fall with the club…

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Not on Facebook? 5 Reasons You Need to Be!

I’ve spent a lot of time talking with business owners this week about why their business and brand should participate on Facebook. Everyday more businesses are creating their Facebook page and jumping into social media. But for those of you still debating whether or not to jump into the fray let me give you a…

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Can We Teach an Old Media New Tricks?

It seems that traditional media has learned a little over the past 15 years with the announcement that The Washington Post Company has officially launched its full-service Facebook marketing and advertising agency SocialCode. The agency will offer Page management, app development, social commerce, fan monetization, message testing, and advertising through Facebook’s Ads, but they still…

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Facebook Profile Management: Balancing Personal and Professional Lives

The worlds of our personal and professional lives are set on a collision course more strongly now than ever before, with the update to the Facebook profile management last night. Upfront and center when you go to someone’s page is a short bio announcing to the world where you work, where you studied, where you…

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5 Reasons Great Brands Aren’t Selfish

As you consider creating a strong and powerful brand, a significant philosophy to consider is creating an un-selfish brand. This was important before the advent of social media, but now that many brands find themselves online in social media (Facebook and Twitter) the stakes are much higher. Here are some principles to consider: People like…

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Who are Your Target Market’s Influencers?

Quick – who is your target market? Can you clearly and specifically tell someone, not in your industry, who your target market is? Good! Now, who are the people who influence your target market? Influencers are the ones who help shape opinion and who make recommendations on products and ideas to your target market. They are…

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Are You a Pioneer or a Settler?

There are all sorts of numbers being thrown out there as far as how many companies have implemented social media plans and strategies.  Most numbers are probably a little inflated.  It’s really going to come down to region and category.  There are obviously some catagories that are more suited to social media right now, similar…

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Practice Patience

For local business owners the world over, and in Southern Oregon, the three keywords to opening or running a business have been location, location, location.  In today’s economic and marketing environment the new three keys to success are patience, patience, patience.  From an economic standpoint, we’ve been in a cycle where disposable income just doesn’t…

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Using Social Media Branding Strategy to Build Your Brand

Know your audience!  Engage your audience.  Social Media is no exception.  With little room for error in today’s economy for the small business owner, it’s important to embrace the social media revolution and use it just as with traditional media, the correct way.  Just as there are keys to success in “Traditional Media”, there are…

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