Brand Identity: Branding by Walking Around

Assuming you've been following along, you should know what your brand identity stands for (if not, check previous posts on this blog for what you missed). Now the fun begins. Find every nook and cranny, every opportunity to tie into your...
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Twitter Marketing Strategy: Tweeting with Frequency

As any good radio account executive or business owner knows, the frequency is necessary with radio. I'd argue frequency is critical for Twitter marketing strategy as well. With radio being the active medium that it is, users are usually active...
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Top of Mind Branding

Top of mind branding is a long process. It's not easy; it costs money, and it doesn't create immediate traffic. Trust me, many times along this journey to a great brand; you'll have to remind yourself why you're embarking on...
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Using Social Media Branding Strategy to Build Your Brand

Know your audience!  Engage your audience.  Social Media is no exception.  With little room for error in today’s economy for the small business owner, it’s important to embrace the social media revolution and use it just as with traditional media,...
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Your Brand Manifesto: Your Secret Sauce

OK, so you’ve found your new brand position and tagline. You’ve taken the time to discuss it with your key stakeholders and get their buy-in. Now what? Well, my friends, now comes the FUN part! The first thing you’re going to...
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Keeping Media Buying Simple

For most small business owners dealing with media buying  is like dealing with an ever-changing alphabet soup. This is primarily because the language of media is cluttered with acronyms. And understanding each acronym is necessary to getting the most out...
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What does your brand position say?

Let's start with the basics, what is a brand position? Your brand is the space your business occupies in the business world. It can be friendly, open, full of hope and aspiration. It can also be sloppy, uncoordinated, and unimpressive...
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How to Create a Brand

We feel the rightness of creating a brand in our bones. Marketing and advertising agencies tell us that we're supposed "create a brand" and we believe them. After all, who wouldn't want a name like Nike, Kleenex, or Starbucks to call...
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