Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

Why Hire a Social Media Agency?

There is a more significant transformation of the global market than at any since that of the industrial revolution. This is the direct result of the Internet. It changed forever the way businesses operate with each other and consumers. There are now an incredible number of marketing opportunities. Add to this an amazing access to…

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Social Media Digital Marketing Agency

As we turn the calendar to 2019, now is a good time for Southern Oregon businesses to ask if they are doing business with the right digital marketing company. Whether you own a business in Medford, Oregon; Grants Pass, Oregon; Eagle Point Oregon or elsewhere in the region, it is important that you get the…

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How Does a Marketing Agency Work?

A marketing agency plays a crucial role in the modern business. In most cases, an agency is working with a business to solve an advertising-related problem. This problem is different for every business and could include anything from getting started on social media to finding the best advertising available. How Does a Marketing Agency Work?…

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Why Consider a Digital Marketing Agency?

A lot of people have waxed lyrical about the digital marketing industry and how the work carried out by a digital marketing agency translates on the internet. For many years, we at Paradux Media Group, have watched as the power of digital has continuously grown in stature via technologies and gadgets for example compact discs,…

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Branding, Marketing, and Positioning: Understanding the Differences

Branding was the top objective of 42 percent of digital ad spending in 2015, according to eMarketer. This reflected an increase from 40.9 percent the previous year, showing the increasing emphasis marketing agencies are putting on branding. So what is branding? What role does it play in marketing, and how does it relate to positioning?…

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Marketing Administrative Assistant Needed

Our marketing agency administrative assistant will be responsible for performing varied administrative duties for the advertising agency. Marketing Administrative Assistant General Accountabilities Responds to inquiries and requests for information requiring knowledge of departmental and company policies and procedures. Performs administrative duties associated with scheduling and coordinating meetings and planning events. Arranges with vendors for services,…

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Can I Afford a Marketing Agency?

It is important for many organizations to maintain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Organizations need to utilize everything that they can to ensure that they maintain stable and profitable future. Their marketing strategies are tools that contribute to ensuring that the organization stays on top of the latest trends. These strategies need to be…

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What Every Business Ought to Know About a Marketing Agency

Businesses that use a marketing agency will realize a number of advantages that will give them a leg up on their competitors. In the cutthroat world of modern business, your company needs every advantage it can gain in order to thrive. The companies that are able to find these edges are the ones who will…

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The Heavens Parted and Delivered the Brand Book

In December, I wrote a quick blog post called “Does Your Brand Have a Brand Book?” in response to The Santa Brand Book from Quietroom. Since then, that post has been the most frequently visited post on the Finding Brand Blog, and it’s evident that there is a significant need for a brand guidelines template. The…

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Does Your Agency Walk Their Talk?

New year, new business plans – and that means if you don’t have a marketing agency you might begin looking for one, or if you have one, you may be thinking of looking for another. Then again, maybe you’re perfectly happy with the status quo, in which case just file this under “something to think…

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Does Your Brand Have a Brand Book?

I’m not quite sure how I came across this hilarious post today from The Quietroom about their Santa brand book, but I’m glad I did—for several reasons. First (and most obviously), it’s hilarious! Having written some of these brand books myself, I have to say that this is the book I always wished I could…

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How Clearly are You Seeing Your Marketing Efforts?

I saw a tweet this morning from @DeeBlick of The Marketing Gym about assessing our marketing efforts that read: “Being painfully honest about where you wasted money on marketing is positive. Don’t repeat the same old lacklustre stuff. Embrace change.” It’s a good reminder to all of us to make sure that we make an effort…

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Branding With Actions – Not Words

I’m pleased to be the guest blogger this week over on the Marketing by Deepak blog. Click on over here to learn about why Branding With Actions – Not Words is critical to your business success. Too often, when we consider branding, we focus entirely on the name of the business, the smartness of the tag line,…

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5 Reasons Social Media Should be in the 2011 Marketing Plan

Social media certainly is all the rage right now – but is it going to be in your 2011 Strategic Marketing Plan? If not, here are five reasons it should be: Your customers are on social media. They have Facebook accounts, Twitter profiles, Foursquare checkins and are on Linkedin. If you’re business isn’t on them,…

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Considerations for Choosing a Marketing Firm

I’m honored to be the guest blogger today over at the rno1 blog. Head on over to their blog to learn what six questions you should be asking any marketing or advertising agency you’re considering hiring. Knowing the answer to these questions will help you make sure you’re hiring the right firm for your business.
We’re working on having the folks at rno1 guest post here as well – so stay tuned!

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Top of Mind Branding

Branding is a long process. It’s not easy, it costs money, and it doesn’t create immediate traffic. Trust me, many times along this journey to a great brand, you’ll have to remind yourself why you’re embarking on this endeavor at all. So when those moments hit, just re-read this to remember why a great brand is critical to your success.

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How to Create a Brand

We feel the rightness of creating a brand in our bones. Marketing and advertising agencies tell us that we’re supposed “create a brand” and we believe them. After all, who wouldn’t want a name like Nike, Kleenex, or Starbucks to call their own? But folks in business just beginning branding often find that it is expensive…

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