There was a time when it seemed like traditional media, such as television and radio advertising were on their way out as far as marketing was concerned. Everyone saw the advantages of digital media and quickly hopped on the bandwagon. However, they were soon to find out that traditional advertising still had a place in their marketing mix. Radio is still an important advertising channel and can do some things that other forms of advertising cannot.

Why Radio Advertising?

Even though people have many choices about how they listen to their favorite media, such as music, talk shows, or podcasts, live radio still holds a certain appeal. In today’s world of impersonal and automated digital products, there is still something special about hearing a live DJ. Radio is still an important means for entertainment and information for today’s consumer.

If you are an advertiser, you have probably heard of the Rule of 7. This rule states that it takes approximately seven impressions for a consumer to take action on your brand or product. Television and digital content are mostly visual. Videos add the element of sound, but typically it is the visual content that attracts the user.

This is not true with radio advertising and you can reach your audience anywhere. Many people listen to the radio in their car or were traveling. They also listen to the radio in public places such as shopping malls and while riding on public transportation. Local radio personalities are local celebrities. This gives you another marketing touch point that uses auditory input as the main way to reach consumers.

Catch the Local Listener

Another advantage to using radio advertising is that it appeals to the local audience. Even larger radio stations have only a limited geographic area for over the air broadcast. Some radio stations are available on the World Wide Web, but most of them still appeal to the local audience.

Radio stations feature local advertisers, local businesses, promote local events, local high schools, and are embedded in a specific community. If you have a small or medium business that is located in a specific geographic area, such as Southern Oregon, then radio is one form of advertising media that you should not ignore.

Getting the Mix Right

Radio gives you one more way to reach your audience that has a personalized and local focus. If you have a limited advertising budget, you may be wondering how much of your budget should focus on each advertising channel. Paradux Media Group specializes in designing campaigns that have the right mix for your target audience. They can design a campaign that takes advantage of all of the media channels available to increase impressions and build a brand presence that is appealing to your customers. They have the research and experience to help you get it right.

They take a personalized approach to building a media mix that is in alignment with your goals and visions for your business.

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About the Author:

Paradux Media Group

We are Paradux Media Group, and we are not your regular ad agency. We are a unique combination of strategists, planners, designers, and writers. We are the people you call to launch a brand. To create a promotion. Or to put you on the first page of Google. Specializing in advertising, branding, website design, and social media management, Paradux Media Group gives you the integrated resources you need in today’s changing business environment.

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