Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

Marketing Plan: Intersection of Planning and Improvisation

I thought I’d take a moment before the frenzy of annual strategic planning begins to discuss some strategies you might want to consider as you start to build your annual strategic marketing plan. Naturally, your strategic marketing plan should contain your best guess as to how you’re going to advance your brand and product positions…

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Social Media and Brand Strategy

Social media is a very hot topic right now, and rightfully so. I’ve heard more than one company wonder out loud though if it belongs in the Brand Strategy. In my opinion, the answer is a resounding YES. If it’s not part of your integrated Brand Strategy, you’re missing a vital channel for furthering your…

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Brand Development Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

I’m continually amazed at how often we in the marketing profession, and those in business, assume that brand development has to be expensive! This misnomer is honestly come by, though, because in good times, it’s easy to spend a lot of money on updating your brand image. But having cash ready to spend isn’t a prerequisite to…

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5 Reasons a Local Business Owner Should be Involved in Social Media

There are many reasons that every local business should be involved in local social media.  I’ve found that if it takes more than five reasons, then they are afraid of what they don’t understand, or are fearful of change.  To go beyond five you are just reaffirming to someone who believes in what you are…

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Using Social Media Apps with Promotions

We’re rolling out social media promotions for a local client of ours.  The business will be giving away a pair of season tickets to the Oregon Ducks 2010 Football season.  A hot ticket!  The Ducks went to the Rose Bowl last year and had been picked to win the Pac-10 again.  The Ducks have sold…

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Media Fragmentation, It Always Seems To Happen

How much has social media fragmentation affected your audience and at what cost?  Traditional media tries to entertain an audience and keep it, so they can then sell advertising within that form of entertainment.  While the programming and editorial content has become corporate blah for the most part audiences, have rushed over to other venues…

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Thoughts on Traditional Media Meeting Social Media

I saw a commercial the other night from Coleman; you know the lantern and overnight camp gear company.  Their claim was that they were the original social network, pretty clever I thought and pretty much on target.  While brands that target a younger and more geeky, (for lack of a better word) consumer with social…

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Using Social Media Branding Strategy to Build Your Brand

Know your audience!  Engage your audience.  Social Media is no exception.  With little room for error in today’s economy for the small business owner, it’s important to embrace the social media revolution and use it just as with traditional media, the correct way.  Just as there are keys to success in “Traditional Media”, there are…

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Keeping Media Buying Simple

For most small business owners dealing with media buying  is like dealing with an ever-changing alphabet soup. This is primarily because the language of media is cluttered with acronyms. And understanding each acronym is necessary to getting the most out of your media buy. AQH, GRP’s CPM, CPP and that was before web banners, unique…

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