Step into the dynamic world of eCommerce Insights on Paradux Media Group’s blog, where online storefronts transform into thriving hubs of digital commerce. In this dedicated space, we unravel the intricacies of e-commerce, offering insights, strategies, and expert perspectives to empower businesses in building and growing successful online stores.

E-commerce has revolutionized how businesses connect with consumers, offering unparalleled opportunities for growth and reach. At Paradux Media Group, we recognize the pivotal role that e-commerce plays in the modern marketplace, from providing accessibility to global audiences to facilitating seamless transactions in the digital landscape.

Our articles cover a spectrum of topics, from the fundamentals for an online store and optimizing product listings to advanced strategies for enhancing user experience, implementing effective marketing campaigns, and navigating the evolving landscape of online transactions. Whether you’re a small business venturing into e-commerce or a seasoned online retailer looking to refine your strategy, our insights cater to diverse needs and goals.

Explore the dynamics of elevating your online store to new heights.  Our articles provide actionable takeaways and practical tips to guide businesses in navigating the competitive e-commerce terrain and maximizing their online selling potential.

Stay abreast of industry trends that are reshaping the e-commerce landscape, from the rise of mobile commerce to the integration of augmented reality in online shopping experiences. Paradux Media Group’s E-commerce Insights serve as your go-to resource, guiding you through the nuances of running a successful online store in an ever-evolving digital marketplace.

Whether you’re embarking on your e-commerce journey or seeking to enhance the performance of your existing online store, join us on this exploration where each article is a step toward elevating your online store and unlocking its full potential in the world of digital commerce.

Enhancing Roy Manufacturing’s Digital Presence

Roy Manufacturing is a perforated metal and material manufacturer in Portland, Oregon. They’ve been in business for over 60 years and have grown to the point of developing a second spin-off organization based on shared technology, Profile Laser. Together, these two companies produce custom-designed perforated and laser-cut metal and material products for commercial, industrial, and…

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Why Google Search Optimization is Important for Your Website

How do you make your duck stand out from the rest of the flock? Getting noticed online is all about search engine optimization, or SEO. When we talk about SEO at Paradux Media Group, we’re really talking about how to get your website to the top of the search result pages on Google. But why…

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How to Convert Website Visitors to Customers

In 2023, 20.8% of sales were anticipated to happen online. By 2026, that percentage is expected to reach 24%. A great website allows your business to reach customers across the country or around the world. But how do you take your website from being your online presence to being a profit center with online sales?…

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The Power of Google Ads for Businesses

Modern technology is both a blessing and a curse for business management. On the positive, the internet makes it possible to market your business, convert customers, and achieve sales worldwide. At the same time, this technology broadens your competition, and it becomes more challenging for you to be found by prospective customers. Since 90% of…

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The Name of the Game for 2021 Business Success is E-Commerce

Are you optimizing e-commerce sales in your business?  In the first quarter of 2020, the percentage of total households in the U.S. that purchased at least one product online in the last 12 months leaped from 15% to nearly 35%.  That 20% spread gained in only three months represents the total amount of growth during…

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Is a Chatbot Relevant to My Business?

A popular buzzword in the e-commerce community is “chatbot,” but what is this technology, and is it relevant to your small to mid-size business? The chatbot evolution exploded a few years ago.  In 2016, only about 5% of companies used them, but by 2017 another 32% of companies were beginning to plan for implementation.  These…

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Tips for Making Your Kickstarter Campaign a Success

Do you have a novel idea for a product or service?  Need to figure out how to get your invention into production?  A Kickstarter campaign might be a solution for you. Kickstarter launched in 2009 as an online crowdfunding platform.  Essentially, people present their ideas online and viewers who find the ideas appealing can back…

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What’s SEO Again? The Facts You Better Know for Better Marketing

The online market is huge — so huge that, if you don’t learn how to market your company properly for online audiences, your business will be chewed up and spit out into the back corners of the internet sooner than you can say, “What’s SEO, again?” Search engine optimization, or SEO, will be your key…

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Market Research: 5 Facts Clients Need To Know

Thinking of getting into market research? Jobs aren’t easy to come by, and you’ll need to have a head start at the interview. It helps to think through your early market research projects and consider what your clients will ask of you. If you haven’t done any freelance market research work, here are five typical…

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Pro Tips for Launching an E-Commerce Site

Running your own e-commerce site sounds like a dream come true, but beware: 90 percent of all online businesses will fail, according to Venture Street. This is the same failure rate as brick-and-mortar marketplaces, demonstrating that even though the barrier to entry is much lower, there are still many challenges. Here are just a few…

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Website Design Medford Oregon

Your company needs a new website, so now what? For many the website can be and is the hub of their business so it’s important to know what to ask and look for, so you get the right Medford Oregon website design company for you and your business. As you search the internet for website…

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Making the Most Out of Your E-Commerce Business

In recent years, many companies big and small realized the potential of electronic commerce (e-commerce) in increasing profit and enlarging the target market. Nowadays, nearly all businesses have some form of Internet presence: websites, social media pages, and online stores. Not all e-commerce businesses are successful, though. What constitutes online success, anyway? It’s one thing…

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Beyond the Pond Blog Named to 25 Excellent Blogs on Local Search & SEO

Congratulations to Co-Owner Mike Frey! His blog, Beyond the Pond, was just named as one of 25 Excellent Blogs on Local Search and SEO at Upcity Tips. Organic search is no longer just the domain of eCommerce and national businesses. Local search is a viable and necessary tool in any local business owner’s visibility toolkit. With the…

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Local Search – On Line Reviews – Google Places For Business

It is quite obvious that Google is beginning to put more importance on the use of reviews. It’s about trying to bridge the gap between the social, web, e-commerce and brick and mortar, where sales themselves are becoming more and more social in themselves. Given the high search priority to review communities like Google, Yelp,…

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New SEO Team at Paradux Media Group

We’re so excited to have brought on a new SEO Team here at Paradux Media Group! We are now offering SEO Packages for LOCAL businesses, organic search, corporate sites, as well as eCommerce sites. If you’re not happy with the website traffic you’re getting on your website, our new organic SEO team can help. Take a…

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Local Search: SEO Google Local Business Search

The Importance of Local Search For Local Business A new study from Chitika shows that 43% of total Google search queries (both mobile and PC) are targeted to a local search.  The study also shows 25% of Yahoo and Bing searches are local search. Two years ago, Google reported that 20% of all Google searches (on…

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5 Examples Of Effective & Unique Social Media Campaigns

Starting a new business has become much easier and more affordable now that advances in technology give even the smallest operations the power to reach millions of potential customers. Cloud services, for instance, provide inexpensive storage and business software solutions, while smart phone applications enable entrepreneurs to serve their customers from anywhere in the world.…

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New Facebook Tools

New Toys: So have you played with any of the new Facebook changes?  Most of us are aware of the new subtle changes on Facebook in the past month, the size of pictures in the newsfeed, promote button, offers scheduled posts and roles of admins. The impact of each varies depending on the category of…

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Five Similarities Between Retail And Online Stores Every Online Marketer Needs To Understand

In the modern information age, it seems as if anyone can start an online store. Everyone knows that if you want to sell cookies online, it doesn’t take very long to go from having no online presence to establishing a website fully capable of taking orders – heck, if it takes you longer than “overnight,”…

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SEO For The Small Business Owner

SEO (search engine optimization) can be a confusing three letters to a small business owner.  Most understand how important a Google search is, most want to be at the top, but with a business to run.  Their spending extra time with social media, or their being told they need to be in social media and…

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