In 2023, 20.8% of sales were anticipated to happen online. By 2026, that percentage is expected to reach 24%. A great website allows your business to reach customers across the country or around the world. But how do you take your website from being your online presence to being a profit center with online sales? The key is figuring out what it takes to convert website visitors to customers. While there’s no sure-fire trick to achieve this goal, there are many strategies you can take to increase your conversion rate. Here are three essential strategies to convert visitors to customers on your website.

1. Have a Well-Organized Website.

It’s tempting to put everything you can think of on your website. The world is your oyster as you decide what pictures to include, fonts to use, and information to post. However, a cluttered, unorganized website will turn away visitors quickly.

Think about your website as a physical store. It should be easy to find and communicate the kind of business you are. Information should be neatly organized and easy to get to. Visitors should be able to find answers to their questions, the resources they need, and someone to help them with specific questions about your products and services. Work with a marketing professional to analyze the customer journey and ensure your website matches the flow from awareness to purchase.

2. Communicate Your Value

You have a business for a reason. Perhaps you have an extraordinary product. In other cases, you may be a subject matter expert and wish to use that wisdom to provide a service to others. Your challenge is communicating the value you or your products will bring your potential customers.

Consider how you would do this in an in-person setting or storefront. You could hire qualified employees and provide them with ample product knowledge training so they can share information with customers. Signage could illustrate the unique qualities of your product or service. Customers might be given brochures filled with in-depth information and instructions. And, of course, you might personally be available to discuss the benefits of your products and services as well as answer your customers’ questions.

You must do the same thing on your website but with electronic communication methods. Work with your marketing agency to find ways to promote your value proposition through techniques like:

  • Well-developed written content,
  • Video presentations,
  • Testimonials,
  • Live webinar opportunities,
  • Infographics and diagrams,
  • Downloadable brochures,
  • and more.

3. Make Purchasing Easy

Have you ever been in a store and left because buying the item you wanted was too difficult? Perhaps the line to the check stand was too long. Maybe the item was in a locked case, and you couldn’t find a sales associate easily. Or worse yet, perhaps their credit card machine was down. Regardless of the reason, customers will move on if it’s not easy to purchase a product. The same holds true for your website.

Purchasing a product or service from you should be simple. Customers should be able to quickly identify how to buy your product, whether that means clicking a link to a form for a free quote or an online store with a shopping cart. They should be able to add or remove items easily, determine shipping costs, and understand return policies. If visitors are asked to submit a form, it should be concise and communicate when they can expect a reply.

Convert Website Visitors to Customers with Paradux Media

Our professionals at Paradux Media know what it takes to operate a successful online business. Whether you’re an entrepreneur just starting out or taking your multi-decade business online, we’ll create a website that brings you leads and sales. Give us a call today to learn more about how our full-service agency can help you achieve your goals.

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About the Author:

Angela Peacor

Angela Peacor is the master of words for the Paradux Media team, providing unique content for digital and traditional marketing projects. She combines real-world experience with research to create engaging content for our clients and their customers. Her work includes writing material for various industries, from petroleum distribution to cosmetics, green energy, agriculture, alternative health supplements, construction, towing, and even a local butcher. You name it, Angela can write about it.

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