Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.
Can Branding Come Naturally?
I think marketers spend so much time carefully considering and crafting brands that sometimes we forget that the very best branding is born out of the instant the organization was created by its founders. The best brands are created in the moment that the founder decides to start the business. To do something different or…
150th Finding Brand Post and a Big Announcement!
Can you believe it? This is the 150th post of the Finding Brand blog! What a ride it’s been. When I started the Finding Brand Blog, it was with the intention of demystifying marketing and branding. I think this blog has been successful in that endeavor. And throughout the years, you’ve shared with me what…
A Declaration of Passion
I have talked a lot throughout this blog about the power of a manifesto, why they are important, and how to draft them. However, I was talking with a client this week and I described it, for the first time, as a “Declaration of Passion.” Moreover, in that moment, the somewhat nebulous concept became clear and…
Annual Strategic Marketing Plan Template
Ever look around madly for the ideal Annual Strategic Marketing Plan Template? I know I have — more times than I care to admit. Some are too involved for most companies (literally, there are 625 page books written on the topic). Others worry more about tactics than strategies. Some forget the most important part —…
Trends for Marketing in 2020
It’s hard as marketers to get far enough out of the day to day to observe trends materializing to influence our ability to do our jobs, much less think about marketing in 2020. But the difficulty not withstanding, the future of our brands depends on it. As often as possible, we must get out of…
4 Critical Components to Successful Brand Management
Brand Management can cause all but the most serious marketing professionals to blanch. Mostly because the phrase “Brand Management” sounds like an obscure, highly technical body of knowledge. To make matters worse, the normal online resources for learning about a concept do a poor job explaining what it is. But the reality is that successful…
Your Brand is About Emotion
I know I’ve talked about it in the past, but it bears repeating, your brand is entirely about evoking an emotional response…we buy from brands we like. In fact, if your brand invokes anything less than passion, you’re missing the mark and that means you’re missing opportunity. While I work with, and talk about, this…
The Secret to a Great Brand is Just One Thing
Know what the secret to a great brand is? One thing – just one thing. Focusing on one thing when branding for nonprofits is admittedly the hardest part of creating an amazing brand. The trick, as Jack Palance in “City Slickers” reveal, is figuring out what your “One Thing” is. It’s going to take discipline…
Selling Your Brand Internally
One of the most important places to spend time and energy “selling” your brand is internally. There is no audience that is more important to have completely understand and believe your brand position. The reason should be obvious, of your staff doesn’t believe in your brand position, they cannot support it. Therefore, it is critical…
Unexpected Branding Opportunities
In any business, there are the expected branding opportunities, television commercials, radio, signs in the store, and even employee shirts. But some unexpected branding opportunities give you a chance to make your brand stand out. The first thing to consider is what your brand manifesto requires. Is it fun, innovative, brash, friendly, kind, or in your…
Fun Marketing Campaigns Can Make Your Brand Memorable
What’s your claim to fame? How is your brand memorable in your community? Are you the go-to business for sponsoring non-profits either monetarily or with volunteers? Do you have a big annual blow-out sale? Do you get wacky at Halloween or St. Patrick’s Day with fun marketing campaigns? Crazy sports fan? The brand is all…
Brand Identity Design – Creating Good Corporate Identity
Does your Corporate Identity match your tagline and brand position? If not, it’s time for an update!