Buzz Marketing Ideas for Branding

Branding is about being memorable and creating buzz marketing. There are lots of ways to do it; you just have to get creative. Here are some buzz marketing ideas to get you started Why not work out a deal with a...
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Branding with Window Clings

Many retail establishments are well positioned to be highly visible from drive-by traffic. Many of those same retail establishments are missing the best advertising and Marketing POS available - their location, and specifically their windows. Window clings are a viable method...
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Social Media and Brand Strategy

Social media is a very hot topic right now, and rightfully so. I've heard more than one company wonder out loud though if it belongs in the Brand Strategy. In my opinion, the answer is a resounding YES. If it's...
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Considerations for Choosing a Marketing Firm

When you decide that it's time to innovate and get the word out about your business, you've entered into what can feel like a paralyzing-difficult decision. After all, you are trying to pick a marketing firm that will put a public...
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Practice Patience

For local business owners the world over, and in Southern Oregon, the three keywords to opening or running a business have been location, location, location.  In today’s economic and marketing environment the new three keys to success are patience, patience,...
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Brand Development Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

I'm continually amazed at how often we in the marketing profession, and those in business, assume that brand development has to be expensive! This misnomer is honestly come by, though, because in good times, it's easy to spend a lot...
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Fun Marketing Campaigns Can Make Your Brand Memorable

What's your claim to fame? How is your brand memorable in your community? Are you the go-to business for sponsoring non-profits either monetarily or with volunteers? Do you have a big annual blow-out sale? Do you get wacky at Halloween...
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Reputation Management: Your Brand on the Web

The Web. Twitter. Facebook.  Biznik. Foursquare. Merchant Circle. Blogs and Comments. If you're not at least aware of how these websites are already affecting your brand - it's time to figure out online reputation management, NOW. Whether or not you...
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5 Reasons a Local Business Owner Should be Involved in Social Media

There are many reasons that every local business should be involved in local social media.  I’ve found that if it takes more than five reasons, then they are afraid of what they don’t understand, or are fearful of change.  To...
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Using Social Media Apps with Promotions

We’re rolling out social media promotions for a local client of ours.  The business will be giving away a pair of season tickets to the Oregon Ducks 2010 Football season.  A hot ticket!  The Ducks went to the Rose Bowl...
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Media Fragmentation, It Always Seems To Happen

How much has social media fragmentation affected your audience and at what cost?  Traditional media tries to entertain an audience and keep it, so they can then sell advertising within that form of entertainment.  While the programming and editorial content...
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Tiny Brand Moments

In the midst of running a business, it's admittedly difficult to maintain the focus on what your brand stands for. After all, you've got customers needs to meet, deadlines to manage, and in some cases, employees to direct. That is...
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Thoughts on Traditional Media Meeting Social Media

I saw a commercial the other night from Coleman; you know the lantern and overnight camp gear company.  Their claim was that they were the original social network, pretty clever I thought and pretty much on target.  While brands that...
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Social Marketing: Why it matters.

We do believe that social media and social marketing has radically altered advertising. We believe that social media can level the playing field between Madison Avenue and local business owners. It’s not a fad, the landscape of social media has...
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Lessons in Brand Authenticity

I stumbled across a question posed on LinkedIn this morning that got me thinking. The question was: How do you see social platforms evolving in the future? And while I answered it from a personal standpoint, I neglected the answer...
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Who is your ideal customer? Do you really know?

In my years of selling media, I’ve met with hundreds of local business owners. In asking business owners to describe who their ideal customers or clients were, they usually explained who they wished their customers were and not who their...
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