Competing for Attention

photo credit: skampy As a small business owner, I know, it is HARD to keep the focus on growing your business when the needs of your current business continually take all your time and attention. But...
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Syncing up Your Messages

photo credit: andrewrennie

I've sat in a lot of rooms lately with small business owners and discussed the imperative nature of syncing all their outbound messages together. And while it sounds good, it's very often...
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Blue Sky Marketing (NOT!)

photo credit: chefranden

Remember when our marketing lives were easy? Unlimited budgets, no concerns about the economy, fabulous television ads... those days have been gone now for awhile, and I think that as marketers, we've...
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Who are Your Target Market’s Influencers?

photo credit: joelogon

Quick - who is your target market? Can you clearly and specifically tell someone, not in your industry, who your target market is? Good! Now, who are the people who influence your target...
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Branding Can Be Easy

photo credit: Hello Turkey Toe

A lot of times, we get so hung up on how many different things there are to do with branding, how careful we have to be when presenting our message, and...
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Navigating Social Media Nightmares

photo credit: Paul Stevenson

The single largest concern I hear voiced when I talk with a business about engaging in social media to grow their message is the "what if..." What if someone uses my...
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Your Brand is Your Story

An easy way to think of your brand is to understand that it is the story of your business. It's about the history of your business, it's about you as a protagonist, it's about the evils you battle in this...
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Branding Foundations

photo credit: steve p2008

Every brand needs to be built on a strong foundation. While the materials the blocks are made of change from company to company, their purpose, form, and necessity do not vary....
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Does Your Brand Inspire Passion?

We're here in the middle of football season and we have the opportunity to observe the fans of a favorite team every week. It doesn't really matter which team takes the field, you can count on one thing - there...
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Your Brand Online

Twenty years ago, those of us in the business world began hearing that we needed to create a website for our business. Frankly this confounded a number of business owners. They asked, "Why would I need a webpage for my...
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Your Customers Should be able to Count on You

I recently found a great little store that provided me amazing, thorough, and knowledgeable service. I was so excited about the service I received from this store I told a friend about it, and even offered to go with her...
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Examining Your Marketing Environment

As you begin to put together your new strategic marketing plan, you should be sure to take into account the internal and external factors playing in your marketing environment that will be affecting you in the upcoming year. In my...
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Struggling to Convert Facebook Likes to Sales Leads?

Let’s face it; social media can be overwhelming. Something that takes your teenager one minute to do takes you hours to figure out. And when you add in the complexity of doing social media for your business, sometimes it's just...
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Make a Date to Review Your Plan

For the last several posts, I've been expanding on each of the questions I posed in my post "How Effective is Your Marketing Plan?" Did you follow through on the strategies you laid out in your plan to reach your...
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Choosing Products for Your Target Audience

Last week, I asked you, “How Effective is Your Marketing Plan?” The second question on the Effectiveness Quiz was: Did your plan address which products fill a need for your target demographic and why? (Choosing to target someone is all well...
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You Need a Target Audience

A couple of days ago, I asked you, "How Effective is Your Marketing Plan?" The first question on the Effectiveness Quiz was: Did your plan clearly articulate your target audience, including demographic information?(The correct answer would be something on the...
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How Effective is Your Marketing Plan?

It's officially fall, and that means many marketers are in the middle of another year of planning. Unless of course, you're ahead of the game - in which case, congratulations!!! But since that's probably not the case, as you begin...
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So What’s Your Social Media Strategy?

So what’s your social media strategy?  I’m sure that when it comes to most marketing endeavors that you attach some strategy to it. Have you done that for social media?  No I’m not talking about an ROI, I’m talking strategy....
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Branding a Local vs National Company

I had the opportunity the other day to chat with a friend who is a brand marketer for a national brand. During the course of our conversation, I was struck (again) by the same-ness and at the same time, the...
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