What is a Facebook ‘like’ worth, is always a hot topic, so many different perspectives and rarely can you find the same answer with the same dollar figure attached to it.  There are so many different variables, like what business you are in.

Photo Credit Sean MacEntee

Social Media has proven to be a GREAT medium to get the word out on certain causes and troubles, that  non-profits or a family may be going through.  Throw the economy on top of it and you have several great causes that are struggling.

Yesterday I saw on FB that our local humane society was having a real financial hardship.  They have to raise $75,000 by September 22nd or be shut down.   The Southern Oregon Humane Society (SOHS) is one that we can truly get behind, as dog and animal lovers-this humane society, is very humane.  They do not euthanize any animals.   Their “Saving Train” has rescued over 700 animals slated for euthanasia at other shelters due to lack of space

We’re now seeing several businesses reaching out to the SOHS with help and offering up a $1 for every ‘like’, they receive.  They have over 2,600 people who ‘like’ their page. Easy to do the math, if you get 750 of your ‘likes’ to like five other businesses pages that are offering up a $1 a like the your page has generated you 3,500 in a couple of days.

I have seen more and more of our local businesses becoming involved in this type of donating.  Cause marketing at its best if you are a business owner.  You are getting some quality ‘likes’ to your page but you’re also showing leadership within your community and helping out some really good causes and people.

Just a few weeks ago we saw some of the same businesses do the same for Team Ethan, a courageous nine year old boy sticken with Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer.  I have ‘liked’ a lot of these local pages that are donating to causes that are helping our community and families, and can’t think of any of them that I have un-liked or clicked “less of” after liking them.

These businesses are now building a great list of ‘likes’ of local people who care about their community.  So what is a Facebook ‘Like’ worth?  It seems the more you need them the more value they have.  Certainly since the news broke about the SOHS the value of their ‘likes’ has increased.  As a business owner, you never know what is around the corner for your business or your family.

The more you are involved in social media, the more ‘likes’ you will get, the more generous you are, the more you will find the generosity of others, and that my friend, is priceless!

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About the Author:

Mike Frey

Before co-founding Paradux Media Group, Mike spent more than 15 years in the world of marketing and advertising. While working with hundreds of locally owned businesses, he developed an appreciation for minimizing clients’ dollars while maximizing tangible results for those clients.

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Quacktastic Reviews:


  1. Dede on August 8, 2011 at 6:39 pm

    What a clever but also a wonderful way to help a special cause!! Love the idea and thanks for this post.

    • Paradux Media Group on August 8, 2011 at 6:44 pm

      We’d love to take credit for the concept — but we’re just sharing what we’ve seen. It’s a great idea.

  2. Ali on January 30, 2012 at 11:58 pm

    In my opinion it doesn’t really matter what features Facebook adds or how they drive adoption of additional products at this point. The timeline feature was their large push against the likes of Twitter, Tumblr, Path, and Google+. Many people aren’t happy, so we’ll see…

    • Mike Frey on January 31, 2012 at 7:59 am

      Thanks for stopping by Ali… Like with most FB changes people are unhappy, revolt say their done with FB and then a week later forget what they were mad at..

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