It’s no secret that the day after Thanksgiving is expected to be one of the biggest shopping days of the year. While many business owners know this, they haven’t recognized the fact that they can utilize online marketing strategies to optimize their sales. By participating in Cyber Monday, you’ll likely find that your company can achieve an impressive bottom line. Below you will find several strategies that can help you prepare for this digital advertising opportunity:

1. Content, Content, Content.

cyber mondayHaving great content to represent your brand is crucial if you’re serious about obtaining great results on Cyber Monday. Because your web articles, blog posts and videos are key mediums through which prospective buyers will form an impression of your brand, you want this content to be as eye-catching and entertaining as possible. There are numerous ways that you can enhance your content, such as through the inclusion of aesthetically appealing infographics. Also be sure to make your content scannable through the integration of textual components such as:

• bullet points
• headers
• subheaders
• concise, compelling calls to action
• numbered lists

2. Use Social Media.

Another strategy you can employ to capture optimum online sales the day after Thanksgiving is using social media. Once you have put together compelling content, be sure to share it with members of your target market through popular social channels like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Also be sure to do your background research to determine which social channels your primary audience is most likely to frequent and at what times. This makes your social media marketing campaign strategic so that you can obtain the greatest return on investment possible.

3. Get Your Website Ready.

No matter how savvy and strategic you are with marketing your brand for Cyber Monday, you won’t see optimal results unless your website is in excellent condition. With this in mind, make sure that your shopping cart feature is working correctly. Also, ensure that all the links to your product pages and the “Buy Now” feature are working. If you haven’t already optimized your site for cross-browser or mobile responsive compatibility, you must do so immediately. Otherwise, individuals who use electronic devices to access your site will not be able to move through the pages easily.

Don’t Delay: Start Preparing for Cyber Monday Today!

If you’re serious about ensuring that you get great sales on November 26th, now is the time to begin devising a customized, cutting edge strategy. You can use some or all of the techniques outlined above to get on the road to eCommerce success. Also, note that having a team of skilled digital experts assist you with the marketing process can help take your conversion rates to an all-time high. For assistance from a dynamic group of professionals, choose Paradux Media Group. Some of our include social media management, media planning, graphic design, brand development, and web design. Contact us now at 541-727-0627!

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Paradux Media Group

We are Paradux Media Group, and we are not your regular ad agency. We are a unique combination of strategists, planners, designers, and writers. We are the people you call to launch a brand. To create a promotion. Or to put you on the first page of Google. Specializing in advertising, branding, website design, and social media management, Paradux Media Group gives you the integrated resources you need in today’s changing business environment.

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