Many people are asking what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) has in store for marketing, and there’s no clear-cut answer because the landscape evolves constantly. For example, Google’s SGE tool provides searchers with an AI-developed answer to questions posed in the search bar. Others are expected to use AI chatbots, from Chat GPT to AI assistants on social media platforms, to ask questions they would normally have searched for on Google. What we do feel confident about, however, is the power of diversification and using a full palette of marketing strategies to reach your customers. One such strategy is employing email campaigns. In an ever-evolving, AI-driven world, here are a few reasons why implementing effective email campaigns in 2024 can give you a competitive advantage.

5 Advantages of Email Campaigns:

  1. Email remains a functional component of our lives. Interestingly, as technologies have come and gone, email continues to be used. While quick conversations have moved to texts, email still reigns for in-depth information and longer communications. Advances in technology have simply made it easier to receive email almost anywhere in the world.
  2. Email can be personalized. By using strong email marketing tools, its easy to customize emails to the recipients–even sending different emails to customers based on sales history or other demographic data. Simple personalization, like including the reader’s name in an email, can help to gain attention and build trust.
  3. Emails get delivered. Instead of hoping your SEO efforts are good enough to show up in searches performed by your intended audience, your emails will show up in their inboxes. With email, you’re not reliant on search engines (primarily Google) and trying to navigate their evolving algorithms.
  4. Email appeals to another demographic. While social media is expected to continue to grow and evolve, there is a segment of consumers who choose not to use it widely. These consumers are more likely to be interested in your message when they receive it via email.
  5. Email distribution is timed. In contrast to website content, online advertising, or many other forms of communication, you can send information to your customer list at specific times to correspond with promotions and specials. Email is a great way to invite customers to special events, promote limited-time promotional pricing, or announce a new product.

In addition to these five advantages of email marketing, developing an email marketing program involves collecting the emails of your customers, and as a result, you end up with a communication channel of customers who want to hear from you. Having this directory for your company’s biggest fans is invaluable and gives you an advantage over your competition.

Tips for Effective Email Campaigns in 2024

Wondering if people open your emails? The average open rate for all industries is 39.7%. So yes, about 4 out of 10 emails do get opened. The average click-thru-rate, meaning how many people take action with an email, is about 1%. That may not sound like a lot, but email marketing has such a reasonable cost that having a 1% click-thru rate pays off quickly. The click-thru rate doesn’t account for all the consumers that take action in other ways (i.e., shopping at your location) or the brand recognition you build with them.

To optimize the ROI on email campaigns, we recommend the following:

1. Comply with new Gmail and Yahoo rules. These companies continue to try to reduce spam and abuse. For businesses that send 5000+ emails in a day, these steps are now required:

  • You must authenticate your sending domain.
  • You must provide a one-click unsubscribe button in the email header.
  • You need to keep your spam rate below a .3% threshold.
  • You must have a DMARC record. The DMARC record helps servers distinguish legitimate emails from fake ones and minimize cyber threats like phishing and email spoofing.

2. Use market and customer segmentation strategies. Avoid blasting the same email to your entire list, especially as your email list grows. Sending emails to segmented groups relevant to location, purchasing history, and other factors will increase your open rate and click-thru rates.

3. Focus on the subject line. It’s critical to get the reader’s attention and stir up enough interest for the reader to open your email. The subject line is one of the most critical factors to ensure your message is received and read.

4. Make the emails interesting. Use a variety of mediums in addition to words, including graphics, illustrations, and videos. You’ll appeal to people with different communication styles to get your message across.

5. Use simple formatting. Keep the message of each email focused, and use headers, bullets, and ample white space to make your emails easy to read.

Choose Paradux Media for all your communication needs.

Whether you’re interested in getting the expertise to implement effective email campaigns in 2024 or you’ve decided it’s time to hire a professional for search engine optimization (SEO) of your website, our team at Paradux Media is ready to help. We provide traditional and digital marketing services for companies across the United States and beyond. Contact us today to learn about joining our flock.

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About the Author:

Angela Peacor

Angela Peacor is the master of words for the Paradux Media team, providing unique content for digital and traditional marketing projects. She combines real-world experience with research to create engaging content for our clients and their customers. Her work includes writing material for various industries, from petroleum distribution to cosmetics, green energy, agriculture, alternative health supplements, construction, towing, and even a local butcher. You name it, Angela can write about it.

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