Let’s face it, marketing can be hard! In each marketing blog post, we hope you’ll find the information you need for your business marketing success.

A Savvy Small Business Owner’s Guide to Advertising in 2014

We are so excited to be presenting to small business entrepreneurs this morning at the Oregon Employer Council in Medford! This is a very special three hour event, presented in partnership with Southern Oregon University’s Small Business Development Center. We so excited to bring you an information-packed seminar showing you how to use Traditional Media, and Online…

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Instagram: Get Your Small Business In the Picture

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then how much better is it than a 140 characters? We live in a visual society, it’s one of the reasons TV beats radio, and has helped create the success of ‘FACE’book. It’s no secret that the most shared and clicked upon items on Facebook are pictures.…

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5 Insane (but true) Things About Marketing for Small Business

Marketing for Small Business is not for the feint of heart. As any small business owner knows, there are so many competing demands for your time and attention, that marketing your business often falls to the bottom of your list — although rightfully it should be the highest item on the list. Here are 5…

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Facebook Pay To Play: What To Do – Small Business Oregon

For business owners Facebook is becoming more and more a “pay-to-play” model. You’ve put time and money into building your business pages ‘likes’, creating relationships, content creation and curation, So what do you do? On the one hand, businesses have never before had a free media platform through which to build our brand and communicate…

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A Savvy Marketer’s Guide to Advertising by Paradux Media Group

In partnership with Southern Oregon University’s Small Business Development Center, the Oregon Employer Council is pleased to bring you an information packed seminar regarding the utilization of Social Media and Marketing. The Presenters, Paradux Media Group is a full service advertising agency specializing in delivering a message that will help your business stand out from…

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How To Harness The Power Of CRM Segmentation

In every small business, there’s a requirement to market the company without breaking the bank. Effective marketing means balancing the needs of your customers with the resources the business has, and leveraging all of the available data is a big part of that. From small companies to massive multinations, segmentation is a common concept in…

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Need SEO, Web Design, and Advertising From One Company? No Problem

When your business starts to have a presence online with a website, social media, or blog, there are a lot of moving targets and important pieces to the puzzle. How easy is it for your potential customers to find you? Is your site optimized? Is your logo appropriate, and does your website need a makeover?…

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A Little Bit about Paradux Media Group

Who are Our Best Clients? We’re interested in working with businesses that have a clear vision of where they’re going. In our experience, business owners who have vision for where the business is going, allows us to do our very best work. The reason is that we work from a strategic basis. Everything we do…

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Branding in a Multi-Media World

As I was looking for a picture to pair with my last post, Why Branding Matters for Businesses of All Sizes, I came across a photo set from Troy Thompson (Travel 2.0) on Flickr and was struck by the strong visual he created to demonstrate the implications of branding in a multi-media world. We all know advertising…

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All in the Circle of Likeability

We are often asked about our philosophy regarding marketing and buying media. In general is, “it all works if used properly and all fails if used improperly.” While the message and brand must remain on point, how people use and consume each media is different. How to best engage with individuals changes from media to…

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How to Make “In Your Face Ads”

There are many things you need to know when creating TV ads. It’s not just about getting the consumer’s attention to buy your product; you also need to make sure that you’re feeding them the right information. Remember, you only have 30 seconds to make an impression. Choose your shot list carefully and focus on…

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Small Business Marketing Expenses & Planning

Every small business markets its products or services from the sole proprietor or freelancer, to the emerging corporation with fewer than 500 employees. The percentage of funds you allocate to marketing can vary, with some enterprises getting by on a shoestring budget while others may find that the their budgets are heavily tilted to getting…

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Effective Branding – Creating Compelling Product Identity

A product does not succeed well without a strong brand. A brand acts like an identity for your product, which customers may find either attractive or ineffective. Making sure you create a brand with a strong potential to become popular is important. But how do you do that? Successful brands start with a story that…

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Digital Signage – Visual communication at its best!!

Digital Signage is an important part of the communication medium.  Well written content transforms digital signage from mere displays to a dynamic communications medium with an ability to inform, inspire and motivate that is unsurpassed. Given below are Five tips on how to conceive and write successful digital content. They include : Lead any and…

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5 Things You Must Do as a Brand Manager

Being a Brand Manager in today’s world isn’t easy. But it’s one of the most important jobs that exists in the Marketing Department — if not the Company. The reason is, the Brand Manager is the first and last line of defense for the brand. To successfully fulfill your duties as Brand Manager, these are…

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Old Time Communications for a Digital Age

The digital age has changed the way that we communicate, bringing smart phones and tablets to the forefront and pushing print publications to the back and eventually to certain extinction. Well, the print dinosaur is quite dead yet and, when used correctly, print and digital can form an alliance to communicate in ways that you…

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SEO and Your Marketing Budget

SEO Where Does It Fit In My Marketing Plan? You’re a small business owner; you have a marketing budget but still most of your advertising endeavors are bills rather than part of a budget.  You dabble in some print advertising, and maybe you do a little radio, so how does SEO fit in? Good question…Being…

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3 Ways Advertisers Control Your Brain

The best argument against psychics so far laid out is, “If you can see the future, why don’t you use  it to make a killing on the stock market?” So when I say that there are mind control techniques that have been developed that leave you with all the autonomous decision-making capability of a lab…

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Save money with Do-It-Yourself online Public Relations

In the current challenging economic climate, the cost of hiring an external Public Relations agency can be just too much for many small businesses to afford. But without effective and smart PR, how is any business to survive and come through these difficult times? The answer might be DIY online PR. With a little insider…

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Data Implications for Marketing in 2020

As we consider the major Trends for Marketing in 2020, think, just for a moment how much the data evolution from last two decades have impacted our world. There’s no two ways about it, data has, and will have profound implications on all manner of products we’re marketing in 2020. Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler…

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