It may look a little different than it usually does, but I promise, it’s the same Finding Brand you’ve grown accustomed to. We decided that it was time to consolidate websites and to bring our blogs “in house.”

The factors that went into this decision included: maintenance on three sites (Paradux Media Group, Beyond the Pond, and Finding Brand), a disjointed brand position (more on that later), and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that was far from optimized. Of the three — the last two were the most important factors in making the decision for us — after all, we host and maintain websites for a large number of clients in our business on a daily basis. Because we also do website design, making the changes wasn’t an issue.

The disjointed brand position, however, was quite a considerable hurdle for us. While Finding Brand and Beyond the Pond were growing in their own right, they were growing apart, rather than reinforcing and leveraging each other. As you know from having followed Finding Brand for a while, it is, in fact, all about branding and marketing strategy. If you also followed Beyond the Pond, you know that it’s all about marketing and advertising. What probably hasn’t been as clear as it should, however, is that both blogs are authored by the co-owners of Paradux Media Group – a marketing and advertising agency. The Paradux Media Group site has real life examples from our clients on what they are doing to improve their branding, marketing and advertising efforts. By consolidating all three, we now have one site where you can find brand strategy, advertising and marketing strategy, and real life examples.

This disconnection between blogs and website was also beginning to cause challenges for us from a SEO standpoint. While we were busy driving traffic to each of our blogs independently, and also to our website, we were working at cross purposes with each other and for the company.

Our solution? Well, you’ve found it. We have moved both the blogs to our company’s website and as we move forward, we hope to find to find each blog reinforcing the other and the overall company’s brand position.

If you subscribe to the Finding Brand RSS feed or email subscription, don’t worry — you won’t be getting additional posts from the joined sites, although you could choose to subscribe to the entire site feed if you wanted.

Do you have  similar problem you’re wrestling with? A small idea that has ultimately grown to be a brand-distraction rather than a brand-compliment? I’d love to hear from you, what did you to solve the problem?

About the Author:

Tisha Oehmen

Tisha Oehmen is a professional brand strategist and a leader in the branding field. She has been named a member of the Global Guru’s Top 30 Brand Gurus. She is also the co-founder of Oregon-based Paradux Media Group and the best-selling author of the book, Finding Brand: The Brand Book Tutorial.

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