10-ways-to-build-a-brand2We’ve talked a lot lately about that inevitable Marketing Plan that will be “due” soon. Here’s a quick recap of ways to enhance your brand as you dream of what you’re going to accomplish next year.

  1. Know What it Stands For. Before you can begin to share your brand externally, you need to know what it stands for. Choose your tagline and write your brand manifesto.
  2. Tell a Story. From start to finish – your brand is only as complete as the story you tell-to tell a great one, make it interesting, give it a strong protagonist, and give it a purpose.
  3. Consensus Building. Spend the time to make sure that all of your employees buy into and support your brand. They will be your most enthusiastic supporters.
  4. Make it Consistent. Take the time to make sure that every piece of information, graphic, and conversation emanating from your company reinforces your brand position.
  5. Be Vigilant. It is your job to protect your brand image. Make sure that every time the logo appears it is displayed correctly, not stretched, skewed, or badly reproduced.
  6. Think Traditional. Traditional media has its place. Television is a fantastic medium for brand-building. Radio is very good for building awareness, and print is a good call to action. Don’t overlook the power of outdoor advertising in your marketing plan.
  7. Get Social. Social media (Facebook/Twitter) are extremely useful for creating transparency and personality for your brand. They take time to build, but they are extremely worthwhile for a brand.
  8. Get Creative. Think “outside the box” about how you can promote your brand using guerrilla tactics. Surprising people with your brand makes it memorable.
  9. Get Active. While showing up with a check for charitable causes is important, your brand will go farther faster if you also show up with ready hands to do the work.
  10. Register Your Marks. If you haven’t taken the time trademark your tag line or logo, head on over to the US Patent and Trademark Office now. It’s not hard or expensive – and it will allow you to reap the benefits of the brand you’re creating.


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About the Author:

Tisha Oehmen

Tisha Oehmen is a professional brand strategist and a leader in the branding field. She has been named a member of the Global Guru’s Top 30 Brand Gurus. She is also the co-founder of Oregon-based Paradux Media Group and the best-selling author of the book, Finding Brand: The Brand Book Tutorial.

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